To become the steely-eyed mortgage machine that you are!
Mortgage Coaching On Which You Can Depend
Regardless of where you are in your own professional journey, having access to support is essential.
Whether you’re preparing to embark upon a new mortgage industry chapter or in need of leveling up your sales game, AxSellerated Development’s trainers are at your disposal bringing you years of industry experience to keep you focussed and on track while equipping you with the tools to succeed. If you’re finally ready to run with the big dogs, our mortgage coaching will make that happen.
Achieve your goals. AxSellerate your career!
It’s easy to say but, the bottom line is, … we genuinely care. Trust must be earned so go ahead, be skeptical. AxSellerated Development was created out of an altruistic desire to help people overcome obstacles to success.
Everybody has a unique and individualized purpose. A reason for being here. Most people feel lost, to at least some extent. Most people, some more than others, question what it is that they’re meant to be doing. Many people have little-to-no recognition of what their true purpose is … sound at all familiar? If so, you’re not alone! Everyone, deep down inside, knows their purpose. They’re simply too distracted to see it.
All throughout a person’s formative years, he or she is frequently subjected to the opinions of well-meaning friends, family, and mentors who often attempt to influence that person down the path that they believe to be in that person’s best interests. Messages received containing phrases such as, “Do this.” “Don’t do that.” “Be this.” “Be that.” “Don’t waste your time.” “It can’t possibly earn you a respectable living.” Every time a person hears such a phrase, it deposits another layer of sediment on top of that individual’s true calling, masking that calling, and pushing it deeper and deeper into that person’s subconscious abyss. And, in general, pursuing a purpose solely for the obtainment of money will always obscure one’s true purpose. Money can always flow. Following one’s true purpose is the true key to success, financially and otherwise.
Why not task AxSellerated Development with helping you to clear away all of that sediment? Why not let us assist you in identifying and embracing your true purpose? And then, once realized, we’ll help you obtain it by formulating and executing a tangible strategy for you to actualize that purpose.
Put plainly and simply, we want you to succeed – personally and professionally. That’s what’s important to us. In order to succeed, you bring the passion and desire, and that’s when we’ll take over. You want to be successful? Of course you do! But success requires more than passion and desire. You need the tools: knowledge, skills, processes, organization, strategies, and confidence. And that’s what we provide.
For our mortgage coaching and self-realization clients, we will teach you one-on-one, in person or virtually. We will teach you what you need to know to originate mortgages effectively, compliantly, and abundantly. To do so you must know the fundamentals, the rules that you must follow, and the effective strategies to implement.
AxSellerated Development will take care of all that for you – tailored to you as an individual or organization. Relax! You’ve found us! When you’re ready to take your career to the next level, reach out. We’ll earn your trust.
AxSDevelopment…..Imagination, Visualization, Actualization, Manifestation
Mortgage Customer Service Training
Everybody claims to have exceptional customer service. In fact, we hear that so frequently, those words have become transparent. How many times have you heard a mortgage company pride itself on exceptional service only to present poorly-trained professional apologizers who make it quite clear that where they are is the last place where they want to be? What it comes down to is that most customer service representatives are little more than empty promisers and script readers. When is the last time you encountered someone who impressed you as truly caring about and liking their job all-the-while genuinely concerned about you, the customer? We will instill the skills and techniques to make your staff stand apart from your competition while teaching them how to create “raving fans.”

Mortgage Sales Coaching
Most mortgage sales professionals are either comfortable traveling the pathway to mediocrity or simply don’t know how to do otherwise. They try and they try but their actions prove mediocre at best. AxSellerated Development can turn your benchwarmers into homerun hitters when we share what it takes to make your borrowers want to apply.
Communication &
Motivation Training
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Even after implementing the most effective mortgage sales and mortgage customer service practices, without understanding the roles of communication and without the proper motivation, results are often uninspired at best. Our communication trainers and professional motivators would love the opportunity to energize your staff to new and exciting levels.

General Mortgage Coaching
In need of generalized of mortgage coaching?
AxSellerated Development’s got you!
- Customer Service
- Front-End Origination and Production Systems
- Compliance
- Sales
- Communication
AxSellerated Development can customize and tailor the mortgage coaching that you need to effectively train the people on whom you depend. Our industry expert instructors will coach you and your staff live at your office, virtually, or online. Whatever works best for you.

Book Rich Leffler as a Public Speaker
Rich Leffler is a sought-after and highly charismatic speaker who captivates his audiences while providing a valuable learning opportunity, helping them stay up-to-date on important NMLS industry standards and practices.

Best practices for sales

Winning communication strategies

Best practices for customer service

Effective strategies for generating new business